Patrick Lucey, PhD
Chief Scientist, Stats Perform
I'm currently the Chief Scientist at sports data giants Stats Perform, leading the AI team with the goal of maximizing the value of the company’s deep treasure troves of sports data. I have studied and worked in the AI field for the past 20 years, holding research positions at Disney Research and the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University as well as spending time at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center while pursuing my Ph.D.I originally hail from Australia, where I received my BEng(EE) from the University of Southern Queensland and doctorate from Queensland University of Technology which focussed on multimodal speech modeling. I have authored more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and have been a co-author on papers in the MIT Sloan Best Research Paper Track 11 of the last 13 years, winning best paper in 2016 and runner-up in 2017 and 2018. Additionally, I have won best paper awards at INTERSPEECH and WACV international conferences. My main research interests are in artificial intelligence and interactive machine learning in sporting domains, as well as AI education. I have recently piloted a course on "AI in Sport", which aims to give students the intuition behind AI methods using the interactive and visual nature of sports data.
Recent Selected Press
Recent Keynotes: ECML PKDD 2024, Sports Pro AI, Big Data LDN, Sports Ireland Innovation & Tech Summit
GenAI in Sport Update 2024 - Q1 Link & Q2 (Part 1 Link and Part 2 Link)
MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Presentation Link
TechFinitive Interview - Link
Authority Magazine Interview - Link
Featured in Chicago Magazine: “Numbers Game by Jake Malooley” - Link
Appeared in FourFourTwo Documentary - Link
© Patrick Lucey